26th Congress of the European Federation of Autonomic Societies


Mark your calendars now for September 25 to 27, 2025 in Toulouse.

Dear friends and colleagues,

 It is our honour and pleasure to invite you to the 26th Congress of the European Federation of Autonomic Societies, which will be held in Toulouse, France, from 25 to 27 September 2025.

The congress will be hosted by CESNA, the French Autonomic Nervous System Society.

Eminent international specialists will be presenting the latest advances in the field of the autonomic medicine covering the full spectrum of neurological specialties.  New physio-pathological approaches will be illustrated by translational aspects. A special session will be devoted to the assessment of the autonomic nervous system in sport and extreme environments.

Our meeting is open for scientists and medical doctors to present their own work and we will  offer various prizes to promote excellence. 

With the entire organizing team, we are committed to create a inclusive and friendly atmosphere with the ultimate goal to foster clinical autonomic research and education.


On behalf of EFAS and CESNA, we are hoping to welcome many of you in the stimulating ambiance
and gastronomy of Toulouse. 

Roland Thijs, EFAS president
Anne Pavy-Le Traon, CESNA president

This meeting has been endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology.